1871, October – Hill End PO 4070 increase in Postmasters salary | Hill End & Tambaroora Gathering Group

1871, October – Hill End PO 4070 increase in Postmasters salary

The Petition:


For Increase of Salary to PM Hill End                                                                  General Post office

from Residents                                                                                                                           B 4070



To the Honble

The Post Master General.

We the undersigned residents of Hill End must respectfully desire to bring under notice the very large amount of business transacted in our Post Office and the very inadequate salary paid to our Post Master. The mail we understand averages over 250 letters and 70 newspapers and from 6 to 10 Registered letters each mail. There is also a large amount of business done in the money order department. With the Commission on stamps the emoluments do not amount to Thirty Pounds per annum. A sum certainly inadequate when it is considered that the Post Office has to be kept opened from 9am to 6pm and that the Post Master has to remain up all night three nights per week which causes considerable expense for fuel kerosene &c for which no allowance is made from the Post Office department. We request that you will take this case under your favourable consideration and allow him a remuneration equal to what is paid others who discharge similar duties.

We have the honor to be


Your most obedient servants


The Petitioners:

Surname First name or Initials
? villes L.U.
?erberry John Thos.
Ackermann Michael
Aylin S.M.
Baptiste John
Barry Thomas
Bethell Fredk.
Bowler Isaac
Bromley Edward
Brown Charles
Brown Thomas
Bryant G.
Burgess J.A.
Busbla??? S.T.
Bushby Joseph
C Wm.
C? John
Canning George
Carkeek John
Challor? Charles
Chapple Alfred
Clubb Alexander
Coburn William
Corrie A.B.
Cox James
Currin? Patt
Davison David
Denman Henry
Drummond Thomas
Eade William
Eade Able
Eddy Peter
Edwards W.
Elliott Adam
Ettinger Phillipp
Fisher William
Fitzgerald Patrick
Frazer John
Freeman Thomas
Garbutt Suggett
Gard John
Giddey Richard
Goodwin Enoch
Hammond M.J.
Hen? F.
Hermann ?P
Hill George
Hobson? William
Hodgson George
Holman Samuel
Holtermann B.O.
Horn Wm. O
Horne? William
Ingall William
Jacobson Frederick
James John
Jeffery Alexander?
Johnson John
Jowett William
Kanard W.
Kellie A.W.
Kerin Patrick
Kerr R.O.
King Michael
King ( x his mark) Nicholas
Knight John
Krohmann John
Laing W.
LaRoche George
Lee Richd.
Lees J.W.
Leonard ?
Lewis A.M.
Li? H.
Little Isaac
Lowe James
Macpherson William
Male Robert
Marshall Wilson
Mc ???laville James
McCabe John
McGovern Patt
McGrathe? John
Merris Chas.
Molony Wm.
Morrison John
Myer Peter
Nable George
Palmer John
Parsons ?
Parsons ??
Pascoe John James
Paxton Joseph
Penhall D.A.
Peters Thomas
Pine W.
Pittenwrigh George
Pullen W.T.
Radley John
Raward William
Reap? J.
Redman John
Richards John
Rickard Joseph
Rossiter John
Rourke John
Rourke Michael O.
Sansom W.
Schoenbeck H.
Seymaur John
Sheppard M.
Slack W.J.
Slaughter Alexander
Smith Thomas Lloyd
Sparrow H ?
Springer M.
St Aubyn Leicester
Stevens Geo.
Stoddart James
Stuart Henry
Tattersall James
Thomas John N.
Tresidder Thos.
Trewsen Alfred
Webber George
Weir J.K.
Wythes T ?
Wythes Joseph
Wythes John