1872, May – Hill End Post Office | Hill End & Tambaroora Gathering Group

1872, May – Hill End Post Office

National Archives of Australia

SP32/1 Hill End part 2 Hill End Post Office file [Box 321]

The Petition:

Petitioning that P. M. Hill End be permitted to resume the practice of calling out names on letters alphabetically.

No. C 2330


Hill End 18th May 1872

Petition to The Hon. The Post Master General Sydney.

Residents Hill End

We your Petitioners resident in Hill End and its vicinity would respectfully call your notice to a grievance we are subject to.

The Township of Hill End is so large that the present Postal arrangements are inadequate to its requirements.

A short time ago, taking into consideration the wishes of the inhabitants, the Postmaster Mr Slack kindly adopted the practice of calling the Names Alphabetically when the Sydney Mails came in. The alteration from the old and slower plan met with popular approbation.

We your Petitioners are given to understand that instructions from the Head Office have been sent to discontinue this proceeding.

We your Petitioners ask your permission to give Authority to the Postmaster of Hill End to resume the practice of calling the Names Alphabetically until such time when the Government will be pleased to increase the Postal recommendation.

We your Petitioners

humbly Subscribe Ourselves

The Petitioners: (Showing page on which the signature appears)

Surname First name or Initials Occupation Page
? George H Carpenter 5
? Albert 7
? John 8
? C 8
? Henry 8
? Josh 8
?     hison J 8
? Arnold William       ? Miner 2
? Garry John W 8
? Horne WH Miner 3
? Morie Philip Miner 3
?Hurley George 8
?Walsh J Miner 3
Achilles Andreas 8
Adams WL 7
Adonus James 7
Alexander Jos. Boot Maker 5
Alexander David 7
Alexander Thoms. 7
Alexander Christian 8
Allen Thomas Miner 3
Allerton Stephan Miner 4
Armstrong Mark Butcher 3
Ashlin Ebenezer Painter 4
Atherton Thomas Miner 5
Bailey John Mining Manager 5
Bailey David 7
Bailey John 8
Becker Sebastian Carpenter 4
Beplate Ernst A Agent 4
Biles ?Lea 2
Blackmore Joseph Mining Manager 5
Brady Danl. J Miner 2
Brand Robert 7
Bredall J 8
Bree? ? 8
Brokenshire John W 8
Bromley Edward Miner 2
Brotherton J Miner 6
Brown Henry Store keeper 2
Brown John 7
Brown Samuel 7
Burrowman ? (x his mark) 7
Byatt John 2
Campbell ?C Miner 2
Carter jun. Joseph 7
Cavanagh James Miner 4
Cave George 7
Cawley John 5
Channon Henry Miner 5
Chappell Thos. 7
Chapple Alfred Mining Manager 2
Chilowsky? ? 8
Chudleigh JH Plasterer 5
Clancy Michael Miner 3
Cleary Thomas 2
Clothier George 7
Cobble James Miner 2
Coghlan William 8
Collings William Geo. 7
Condell M Store keeper 4
Condey ? 7
Cook William Miner 3
Corbitt Charles Miner 3
Cormick Peter Miner 4
Cosgrove James 7
Cosgrove Thos. 7
Cowell James Mining Manager 5
Coyle Patrick 5
Craig Charles Store keeper 2
Cross George 8
Cross Robert 8
Cullen Edward 8
Cummins John Baker 4
Davis Ellis Plasterer 5
Dawson James Miner 3
Denman Geo. 7
Dignam John 8
Dillon William (x his mark) 7
Dillon William 7
Dobbel James Miner 3
Dorin Thomas Miner 3
Dornia? William H Miner 4
Drayfield EE Mining Manager 4
Duke Thomas Miner 5
Edwards William Miner 2
Eldridge James Miner 6
Elston Wm. Miner 2
Embleton George 7
Emmitt W 8
English B Tailor 4
English William 7
Enniss John Carpenter 4
F   ? Richard 8
Farnham ? Henry 7
Farrow James Miner 2
Fi ? al ? Carpenter 4
Fitten H 7
Fitzgerald John 8
Flaven Maurice Draper 4
Freeth John Miner 3
Frenzel William 8
Ganes Thomas 7
Gard William Store keeper 3
Gardner Henry Miner 2
Garnsey Thomas 7
Giles Arthur L 5
Giles John Miner 6
Girdwood James 8
Godsworthy William Miner 2
Goodsell George Miner 6
Goodwin Edward 5
Gordon James Miner 5
Graff Philipp 8
Graham Roland 8
Grant John 7
Grant John 7
Grant ?James 8
Griffiths William Miner 3
Guthe Peter 8
Hales   ? William 7
Hallen ? GL 7
Hammond MJ Miner 6
Hanna H Boot Maker 5
Harris Charles C Miner 2
Harris John Miner 3
Hawke Rich. Miner 2
Hermann Frank 8
Herrmann Valentine 8
Hilson ? John Draper 4
Hodge John Saddler 4
Hodgson George Store keeper 2
Hodson Charles Miner 5
Hodson Ben Miner 5
Hosking E      ? Miner 4
Hughes Hugh 3
Hughes John 5
Jeffree Henry Store keeper 3
Jeffree Henry 7
Jeffree John 8
Johns TB 7
Johnson Louis E Mining Manager 2
Joiner Daniel 8
Jones J 7
Keith Alexander Saddler 4
Kempsell   ? H ? 2
Kennedy James Tailor 4
Kerr James P Miner 3
Kerr Thos. J 8
King Nicholas Miner 5
Kintall   ? DA Mining Manager 2
Krone William 5
Laing W Miner 2
Lane George 2
Lane ? James 7
Lang FW 2
Larkin P 8
Larkin TM 8
LaRoche George Chemist 6
Laundy T Draper 3
Leary C 7
Leath Jnr. John Resident 3
Lee Richd. E Newspaper Propr. 6
Loftus Thomas 5
Loyat George 8
Luff W Butcher 5
Lynch T 7
M ? E Miner 4
Macpherson John Carpenter 5
Manderson Edwin Miner 4
Mann Adam 8
Marsden J 7
Marshall Jas. W Miner 6
Mason Thomas 7
Mathewson James Miner 4
Mc ang? John Boot maker 4
McCann ? James 7
McCormack Wm. 7
McDonald T (x his mark) 7
McDonald William 7
McDowall J Draper 3
McDowall WF Draper 4
McKee James Storekeeper 5
McKee Nathaniel E Miner 6
McLoud JL Miner 2
McMahon John Miner 3
Meyer T. 8
Miles Daniel S Chemist 4
Miller John 2
Miller Henry Mining Manager 5
Miller Henry 7
Mingramm Fr. 8
Moller Ernest 8
Monteith W 7
Moore Thos. 7
Moore Walter H 8
Moriarty ? MG 8
Morris John    ? Miner 3
Morrison John Miner 6
Mortimer S 7
Morton Henry 8
Muller Wendelin 8
Murrell C Carpenter 4
Mutton William Miner 3
Nagle ? Samuel Miner 6
Naylor Samuel 7
Neal Thomas 8
Newcome Thomas 8
Newcome Senr. Thomas 8
Nicklin CB 7
Ogenham H 8
Oxenham  ? Philip 8
Parkinson Thomas Builder 4
Paxton Jas. 7
Peate Joseph Carpenter 5
Peate sen. Joseph Carpenter 5
Pidding JT Draper 3
Pidding GSH Grocer 3
Pillock   ? ? 8
Piper Henry 7
Poglou Petter Miner 4
Polson John Miner 2
Price Edwd. R Miner 2
Price Colin 7
Prideaux Matthew 7
Pries P 8
Prior ? Richard 7
Pullen WT 2
Purcell George 8
Ra   ? George 8
Rait ? Louis Tobacconist 4
Randall Alfred Watchmaker 4
Reardon Daniel Miner 4
Reed ? Miner 3
Reed Henry Don 5
Rippe F 8
Roberts Philip 7
Robinson William 8
Rogers William 7
Ross Joseph G Miner 6
Ross Stephen 7
Rowe James 7
 Rowe John 7
Rutlance ? William Auctioneer 3
Ryan James T Miner 3
Saler ? James 8
Salkeld James 8
Schafer R Miner 3
Shave John Master  Butcher 3
Sheppard Michael A Newspaper    “ 6
Shipway Charles 7
Shong? Henry   ?  Artist ? 4
Sim Alx. 7
Simes Frank 8
Slack Robert 7
Slattery John 7
Smith James William Watchmaker 4
Smith William (x his mark) 7
Smith William JF 7
Stack John 2
Stapleton Thos. 7
Stevens Geo. Miner 2
Stuart Henry Storekeeper 5
Thomson Jas. 8
Thomson Robert 8
Travers Joseph Miner 3
Tuckwell Henry 7
Tyson Fred 7
Unmack L 8
Wallis Henry 7
Warren JL Book seller 4
Watt John Carpenter 5
Watt John 8
Wayland ? WH 7
Weir John King Hotel keeper 2
Weir Thomas G Cordial Factory 3
Wellington Edwd. L Surveyor 5
Whitty Patrick Miner 5
Whitty James Miner 5
Williams J 7
Williams Joseph 8
Windred Charles 8
Windred George 8
Woods Wm. Marcus 7
Wythes ? Jr Tho. Inn keeper 2