William Marcus Woods.

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    • #5974
      Golden Gully

      Hello there all. Would any of you have details regarding the Golden Gully Hotel that would have been in Tambaroora around the 1872-73 era? Over the weekend I discovered that my great great grandfather William Marcus Woods was the owner/ licencee back then. Any info would be fantastic.
      Thanks in advance.
      Marcus Woods, William’s great great grandson.

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Golden Gully.
    • #6113

      Hi Marcus,
      Cannot give you very much info on the Hotel, however in the Name Index of People Associated with Properties in Hill End & Tambaroora, which is available on this site, there is a listing for a William Woods holding portion 74 in 1873. There is a James Woods listed in the Land Occupancy Index for Hill End holding portion 208 “Hill End Hilton” Are they realated? I cannot see any listing for the Hotel on the Tambaroora Map of Landholders.
      Russell Dorhauer

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