Cec Bartlett | Di Greenhaw | Lorraine Purcell |
Karen Bates | Matthew Hall | Daphne Shead |
Alison Briggs | Clare Hennessy | Annette Sheen |
Frank Briggs | Margaret Hennessy | Trevor Sherry |
Beatrice Brooks | Beverley Hewlett | Warwick Taylor |
Maureen Clark | Brian Hodge | Grahame Thomas |
Earle Dagger | Sharon Hoyer | Jenny Tomlinson |
Russell Dorhauer | Verna Little | John Tutty (deceased) |
Malcolm Drinkwater | Dennis Lynch | Stan Walters |
Kristine Dunner | Betty Maris (deceased) | Ruth Wilson |
Sheena Goodwin | Bill Maris | Helen Wood |
Mike Martin | Lee Walpole |
We also acknowledge the assistance provided by the many individuals who have contributed information on their families to our records. Without them all this site wouldn’t exist.

Some of our keen volunteers in January 2017 – Back row, L to R: Lorraine Purcell, Margaret Hennessy, Barbara Burnett, Bea Brooks, Maureen Clark, Verna Little, Helen Woods, Ray Samuel
Front row: Jenny Tomlinson, Jan Daly, Karen Bates, Di Greenhaw, Debbie Court, Clare Hennessy.
The Hill End & Tambaroora Gathering Group also wishes to acknowledge the assistance given to them by staff or members of the following organizations:
- Hill End Family History
- National Parks & Wildlife Service (Hill End)
- State Library of New South Wales
- National Library of Australia
- State Records Authority of New South Wales
- National Archives of Australia
- Society of Australian Genealogists
- History Hill (Hill End)
Special thanks to volunteer, Di Greenhaw, for permission to use her photographs of Hill End and surrounding area. All photographs of our activities in the Gallery and most of the contemporary banner photographs are examples of her work over the past ten years or so.
Website developed by Sander de Wijs of De Grinthorst with assistance from Ilana van Geijn of Web Vision Solutions who continues to develop and maintain the site.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Bathurst Regional Council who provided support under their Conservation and Interpretation Fund Grant, 2016.