Members and Volunteers
New members, with ancestors from the area, are always welcome. Membership fees are not charged however donations of stamps and sponsorship by relevant businesses and organizations etc. are always welcome. This helps to cover expenses relating to making our resources available via this website, and assists in the production and distribution of the newsletter. If you would like to add your financial support you may make a donation here.
If you wish to be placed on our mailing list to be notified of new information and activities, please contact us.

Some of our keen volunteers in January 2017 – Back row, L to R: Lorraine Purcell, Margaret Hennessy, Barbara Burnett, Bea Brooks, Maureen Clark, Verna Little, Helen Woods, Ray Samuel
Front row: Jenny Tomlinson, Jan Daly, Karen Bates, Di Greenhaw, Debbie Court, Clare Hennessy.
Members of the Hill End & Tambaroora Gathering Group (HEATGG) are descendants of these early settlers. Some have been collecting the family and local history of the area for many years. This site is the result of many hours of work by a small but dedicated group of volunteers.
We welcome volunteers to assist at our activities. This can include helping out at the Gatherings at Concord, and the Markets in Hill End. Other tasks such as transcribing and indexing of old documents etc. can also be done remotely and if you are in Sydney I am always in need of volunteers for basic office tasks on a regular basis.
Our volunteers meet on an ad hoc basis when we need to discuss projects. For details of our next volunteer meeting check the Events page. Many hands make light work!
We are finalizing our digitization project which was financed with a grant from the National Parks & Wildlife Service. This involves tagging the family history records from the Museum in Hill End. The majority of the work is being carried out in Sydney however there may be some tasks which can be carried out “remotely”.
Researching specific topics can always be a rewarding exercise. In the past some of the work of our volunteers has resulted in our publications. If this aspect interests, please contact us. We are happy to advise.
If you have some spare time and wish to contribute your skills (or even learn new ones) and are interested in being part of any of our projects, please contact the Convener for more details.
Lorraine Purcell