1873, April – Municipality of Hill End


Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette

Published by Authority

No. 77   –   Tuesday, 1 April   1873


Colonial Secretary’s Office,
Sydney, 31st March, 1873



His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, directs the publication, in accordance with the Municipalities Act of 1867, of the substance and prayer of a Petition addressed to His Excellency, and signed by five hundred and eighty-seven persons, praying the erection of their locality into the Municipality, under the name of the “Borough of Hill End.”



The Petitioners state that they are desirous of being incorporated.
That they are persons liable, if incorporated, to Municipal taxation.
That the population of the proposed Municipality is not less than 4,000.
The suggested boundaries of the Municipality are us under, viz:-

County of Wellington, parish of            ; Commencing from a point 30 chains east, and 30 chains south of the south-west corner of section No. 13, in the village of Hill End; and bounded thence by a line bearing west one mile; thence by a line north to the dividing range, between the watershed into Bill End and Tambaroora Creeks; thence by such dividing range north-easterly to a line north from the point of commencement.

That the area sought to be incorporated does not exceed one and a half square miles.

The Petitioners pray “that the Municipality may be constituted under the name of the ‘Borough of Hill End.’”

E.M.   W.F. Pullen
E.M.   William McPherson
E.M.   E.J. Gratton
E.M.   James Barrie
E.M.   John Willis
E.M.   Richard W. Farmer
E.M.   William Shellard
E.M.   Robert R. Bailey
E.M.   Edwd. Manby
E.M.   A. Chapple
E.M.   Charles Cropper
E.M.   E.R. Cropper

I, Edward Manby, do solemnly declare that all the signatures affixed to the above Petition, initialled “E.M.” on this sheet, inclusive of my own signature, are the genuine signatures of the (12) persons whose signatures they purport to be, and that such persons are persons liable to assessment for Municipal taxes in respect of property or household residence, within the boundaries of the proposed Borough or Municipal District set forth in this Petition.


Declared and subscribe at Hill End, this 25th Day of February, A.D., 1873 —

Charles Cropper, J.P.


I, John Richard Ferris, do solemnly declare that all the signatures affixed to the above Petition, initialled “J.R.F.,” on sheets 1 to 9 inclusive, are the genuine signatures of the 323 persons whose signatures they purport to be, and that such persons are persons liable to assessment for Municipal taxes in respect of property or household residence, within the boundaries of the proposed Borough or Municipal District as set for th in this Petition.


Declared and subscribed at Hill End, this 11th day of June, 1872, before –.

J.W. Lees.  P.M.


I, Thomas Gervin Weir, do solemnly declare that all the signatures affixed to the above Petition, initialled ‘T.G.W.,” on sheets 10 to 12 inclusive, are the genuine signatures of the (102) persons whose signatures they purport to be, and that such persons are persons liable to assessment for Municipal taxes in respect of property or household residence within the boundaries of the proposed Borough or Municipal District, set forth in this Petition.


Declared and subscribed at Hill End, this 12 day of June, 1872, before—

J.W. Lees, P.M.


I, Alfred Newman, do solemnly declare that all the signatures affixed to the above Petition, initialed “A.N.,” on sheets 13 to 17 inclusive, are the genuine signatures of the (15)) persons whose signatures they purport to be, and that such persons are persons liable to assessment for Municipal taxes in respect of property or household residence within the boundaries of the proposed Borough or Municipal District set forth in this Petition.


Declared and subscribed at Hill End, this 12th day of June, A.D. 1872, before—

J.W. Lees, P.M.


Alphabetical listing of names.


Certified by Family Name Given Name
J.R.F. Ackermann Jacob
J.R.F. Ackermann Michael
J.R.F. Ackland Thomas
T.G.W Alderman Chas.
J.R.F. Alexander Thomas
J.R.F. Alexander Christian
J.R.F. Allen (his X mark) Wm.
T.G.W. Anderson John
A.N. Anderson Thomas
J.R.F. Armfield Alfred Watson
T.G.W Artlett J.W.C.
T.G.W. Atherton Thomas
J.R.F. Attwood John
A.N. Austin George William
A.N. Aylin Samuel W.
T.G.W Aymour Richard
J.R.F. Backhouse J.A.
J.R.F. Baker T.C.
J.R.F. Baker (his X mark) E.
J.R.F. Baptiste A.
T.G.W Barks Robert
A.N. Barlow James
A.N. Barlow Issachar
J.R.F. Barrie James
J.R.F. Bauchap George
A.N. Beattie Mrs. (Female)
J.R.F. Beedel Fredk.
A.N. Bell John
J.R.F. Bennett Samuel
J.R.F. Bennett F.
T.G.W Bennoits Nicholas
J.R.F. Benson J.W.
J.R.F. Beplald ? Ernest A.
J.R.F. Beyers H.L.
A.N. Bicksen Nicholas
J.R.F. Biles Moses
A.N. Blackermore Joseph
T.G.W. Bolton Thos.
T.G.W Booner David
J.R.F. Bowler J.
J.R.F. Bowler Isaac
A.N. Brace James
A.N. Brady Mary Anne (Female)
J.R.F. Brailey T.
J.R.F. Brailey Henry
J.R.F. Brand Robert
J.R.F. Bray W.A.
A.N. Bray John Penhall
J.R.F. Bridges (his X mark) Geo.
J.R.F. Britnell (his X mark) Chas
J.R.F. Brooking Thomas
J.R.F. Broomfield (his X mark) Edwd.
J.R.F. Brown G.
J.R.F. Brown J.S.
JR.F. Brown Adolphus G.
J.R.F. Brown (his X mark) Jas.
A.N. Browning Rd.
T.G.W. Bryant G.H.
J.R.F. Bundance Robert
T.G.W Bunn George
J.R.F. Burgess James
J.R.F. Burgus Joshua A.
T.G.W Burley Jesse
T.G.W. Burnett T.
A.N. Burns Wm.
J.R.F. Burrett William
T.G.W Burton Henry
J.R.F. Bushby Joseph
J.R.F. Byrne John
T.G.W Café Martin
J.R.F. Cahill, Jun. John
J.R.F. Callaghan Edward
J.R.F. Carkeet John
J.R.F. Carnegie Alex.
J.R.F. Carroll Edward
A.N. Carroll John
A.N. Carroll William
A.N. Carter Mr.
A.N. Carter, sen Joseph
A.N. Carver Benjamin
J.R.F. Cavanagh Chas.
J.R.F. Cavins James
J.R.F. Cavins James
A.N. Chapman William
A.N. Chappell Thos.
A.N. Chapple Alfred
J.R.R. Clark John
J.R.F. Clarke J.H.
T.G.W. Clarke A.
A.N. Clarke Francis
J.R.F. Clements C.O.
J.R.F. Clinton A.B.
A.N. Clyne J.E.
J.R.F. Coates Isaac
J.R.F. Coates Edward
J.R.F. Coates, C.E. J.J.
J.R.F. Cobard John
J.R.F. Cole William
J.R.F. Coles Wm.
J.R.F. Collings William Geo.
A.N. Collins Thos.
J.R.F. Comber H.G.
J.R.R. Condell W.
A.N. Conkey Stephen
A.N. Connolly John
J.R.F. Conolly T.
A.N. Conway James
A.N. Cook John
J.R.F. Coomber, jun W.
T.G.W. Coot William
T.G.W Corbett Arthur
J.R.F. Corks, L.R.C.P. W. R
J.R.F. Corneille Wm.
J.R.F. Corner Andrew
J.R.R. Court Alfred
J.R.F. Cowdery George
J.R.F. Cowdery Charles
T.G.W Cox John
J.R.F. Craig John
J.R.F. Crawford William
J.R.F. Cromp W.
J.R.F. Cros Tom
J.R.F. Crossman George
J.R.F. Cummins John
A.N. Curnow Robert
A.N. Curnow Ann (Female)
J.R.F. Currin Pat.
J.R.F. Curry Thomas
J.R.F. Curtrin (his X mark) M.
T.G.W Daley John
J.R.F. Danet James
A.N. Danney Jno. D.
J.R.F. Darcy P.J.
J.R.F. Davenport Thos. Geo.
T.G.W. Davidson David
J.R.F. Davis William C.
J.R.F. Davis James
J.R.F. Davis (his X mark) Chas.
J.R.F. Dellow David
A.N. Dellow Samuel
A.N. Dixon W.
A.N. Dixon John
J.R.F. Doke Thomas
J.R.F. Dolan William
A.N. Donegan Thomas
J.R.F. Dorhemer H.
J.R.F. Dow (his X mark) Geo.
J.R.F. Doyle W.
T.G.W. Doyle Samuel
J.R.F. Duckett Edward
A.N. Dudley Andrew
J.R.F. Duncan William
J.R.F. Dunn John
T.G.W Dunn John
J.R.F. Dwyer William
A.N. Dyson Charles
J.R.F. Ealden Elijah
T.G.W Edwards Daniel
J.R.F. Edwards (his X mark) Wm.
T.G.W Elliott Thomas
J.R.F. Elstub Thomas
J.R.F. English P.
J.R.F. Ennis (his X mark) John
J.R.F. Erich Charles
T.G.W. Eslick Christopher
J.R.F. Everet Thos.
A.N. Fairbairn John H.
J.R.F. Farmer R.W.
J.R.F. Fawcett Dr.
J.R.F. Ferrari Patrick Dwyer A.
J.R.F. Ferrett James
J.R.F. Finn Jeremiah
J.R.F. Fisher W.
A.N. Fitzgerald William
A.N. Fitzgerald Michael
J.R.F. Fitzgibbons J.
J.R.F. Fitzsimons Michael
J.R.F. Flatau J.M.
J.R.F. Fletcher Geo.
A.N. Flynn Ellen (Female)
J.R.F. Foote John
A.N. Forsyth Betay
A.N. Francis G. Th.
J.R.F. Freeds T.
A.N. Freeman T.
J.R.F. Fry Jabez W.
J.R.F. Gard John
T.G.W. Garlick John J.
T.G.W Garlick Richard
J.R.F. Garling S.H.
J.R.F. Gaugan John
J.R.F. Gay On.
A.N. Gibbon Robert
J.R.F. Gibbons Jn. B.
J.R.F. Gill W.B.
A.N. Gillard James
J.R.F. Glanie John B.F.
Gletcher Abraham
T.G.W Godfrey James
J.R.F. Gondolf P.
T.G.W Goodall Thos.
J.R.F. Goodwin William
T.G.W. Gordon Jas.
T.G.W Gorp G.
J.R.F. Graff Phillip
J.R.F. Gray Joseph
J.R.F. Gray Louisa (Female)
T.G.W Gray James
A.N. Green Benjamin
A.N. Green John
A.N Green John B.
T.G.W Grenfell Richard
J.R.F. Gresham Adam
A.N. Grieg William
A.N. Griffith John
J.R.F. Grono E.
T.G.W Gunther Frederick
A.N. Gustapon Jacob
T.G.W Guy James
T.G.W Gwyther Henry
J.R.F. Hales William
J.R.F. Hall S.W.
A.N. Hall Patrick
J.R.F. Hammond M.J.
T.G.W Hampton John
J.R.F. Hanley (his X mark) Thomas
J.R.F. Hanna H.
J.R.F. Harmer J.
J.R.F. Harris Henry
J.R.F. Harris Henry
T.G.W Harrison Thomas
J.R.F. Hart Louis H.
J.R.F. Haselden Edward
T.G.W. Hayes J.
A.N. Haywood James
J.R.F. Hedheag Alexander
J.R.F. Henderson Thomas
A.N. Henderson William
T.G.W Henerie H.J.
J.R.F. Henley Henry
J.R.F. Hermann Frank
J.R.F. Hindmarsh Francis
J.R.F. Hodgson George
J.R.F. Hodson Benjamin
J.R.F Hodson John
J.R.F. Hogan John
A.N. Hogan Peter
A.N. Holman Samuel
T.G.W Holston Henry
J.R.F. Holtermann B.O.
T.G.W Hood Thomas
T.G.W Hood J.D.
T.G.W Hooper C.
A.N. Hopkins Edmund
J.R.F. Hore Wm.
J.R.F. Hosie Stanley
T.G.W. Hosking Edwin
T.G.W Howard Geo.
A.N Howard John H.
A.N. Humberstorn W.E.
T.G.W Hurley George
J.R.F. Hutchinson T.B.
J.R.F. Hutchinson William
A.N. Hutter William
J.R.F. Iffland Conrad
J.R.F. Ingall William
A.N. Ireland Mrs.  (Female)
T.G.W Irgasole James
T.G.W Irvine Joshua
A.N. Jackson Mary Ann (Female)
T.G.W Jamisson James
J.R.F. Jeffree Philip
J.R.F. Jeffree Albert
J.R.F. Jeffree Henry
J.R.F. Jeffree Joseph
J.R.F. Jenkyns William
J.R.F. Jewett John B.
J.R.F. Johnson Louis E.
J.R.F. Johnson Alice (Female)
T.G.W Johnson Thomas
J.R.F. Jones John
T.G.W Jones Alfred
T.G.W. Jones Johnn
J.R.F. Kelly William
J.R.F. Kelly John
J.R.F. Kempstor Thomas
A.N. Kent Nicholas
A.N. Kent John
J.R.F. Kerr James F.
T.G.W. Kerr Thomas
A.N. Kew John
A.N. Kirby Thomas
J.R.F. Kleinsang Tochim
T.G.W Krem John
J.R.F. La Roche Geo.
J.R.F. Laing W.
J.R.F. Lambert (his X mark) William
J.R.F. Larde John
J.R.F. Le Messurier Alfred
J.R.F. Lee Richard Egan
J.R.F. Lee Wm. H.
J.R.F. Lenchan Anthony
J.R.F. Lepgron Peter
J.R.F. Lewis E.J.
J.R.F. Linafor C.H.
J.R.F. Lithgow James
A.N. Lobbe Daniel
J.R.F. Loftus Thomas
A.N. Logan Matthew
A.N. Logue Edward
T.G.W. Lonsdale Thos.
T.G.W Loudon  (London ?) Jno.
T.G.W Lowry John
J.R.F. Luff W.
A.N. Lutey Henry
A.N. Lyon H.D.C.
A.N. Mabbott Wm.
J.R.F. Maclean Allan
J.R.F. Maclear Mary (Female)
J.R.F. Maggs Henry
J.R.F. Makepeace Philip
A.N. Mancell Alfred
J.R.F. Mann Adam
A.N. Manton William
J.R.F. Mar (his X mark) Charles
T.G.W Marshall J.W.
A.N. Marshall Joseph
A.N. Martin Thomas
J.R.F. Mason S.
A.N. Matchet Ml. J.
T.G.W Matthews George
A.N. Matthews Robert
T.G.W May Chas. W.
T.G.W. McCabe James
J.R.F. McCabe (his X mark) John
J.R.F. McCafferty Edward
A.N. McCann John
A.N. McCann Hugh
J.R.F. McDonald Charles
J.R.F. McDonald William
J.R.F. McDowall W.
J.R.F. McEvoyne (his X mark) John
J.R.F. McGrath James
J.R.F. McHoy Lewis
J.R.F. McLoughlin Patrick
A.N. McLoughlin Wm.
J.R.F. McMullen Michael
J.R.F. McMullen James
J.R.F. Meagher & Co.
J.R.F Meeburn Jno.
A.N. Mellon Patrick
T.G.W. Merriess Alfred
T.G.W Merriss Henry
T.G.W Merriss John
T,G,W Merriss Charles
T.G.W Merry John
J.R.F. Meyer D.
J.R.F. Miller Thomas
A.N. Miller John
A.N. Miller E.J.S.
J.R.F. Mills Thomas
T.G.W. Mills R.
J.R.F. Minton Hogarth
J.R.F. Moller Ernest
J.R.F. Monier Thomas
J.R.F. Moore Laurence
J.R.F. Morley W.
A.N. Morris John
J.R.F. Morrison John
T.G.W Mortimer Samuel
J.R.F. Moses Lewis
A.N. Moses J.W.
T.G.W Moskell W.
A.N. Muller (Butcher)  ? H.W.
A.N. Murphy John
A.N. Murray James
J.R.F. Napier George
A.N. Naughton Patrick
A.N. Neal Thos.
T.G.W. Neale John
J.R.F. Nelson Andrew
A.N. Newcome, jun Thomas
A.N. Newcome, sen Thomas
J.R.F. Newman Alfred
J.R.F. Nicholes C.J.
T.G.W Nicholls Jack
J.R.F. Nichols (his X mark) Fred
A.N. Nickless Charles
T.G.W Nonell Joseph
J.R.F. North J.B.
A.N. Northey Josiah
A.N. Norton William George
J.R.F. Olday Ch.
J.R.F. Page Alfred W.
J.R.F. Parkinson Thomas
T.G.W Pascoe William
J.R.F. Paten Thomas
J.R.F. Paterson W.
A.N. Patman James
J.R.F. Patrick (his X mark) Wm.
A.N. Paulson T.a
J.R.F. Pearce John
J.R.F. Pearce Wm.
T.G.W. Pearson John
A.N. Peeysnan J.
A.N. Peirce John
J.R.F. Pendlebury (his X mark) Adam
A.N. Penny Andrew
J.R.F. Peters Simon
J.R.F. Philipson Edward
J.R.F. Phillip (his X mark) John
J.R.F. Phillips Joel
T.G.W Pine Edwd.
A.N. Pitterwrigh George
T.G.W Polson John
T.G.W Pool John
T.G.W. Poole Thomas
J.R.F. Porter John
J.R.F. Poulton Edward
A.N. Power Edwd.
A.N. Prestage E.W.
J.R.F. Prestege (his X mark) Andrew
A.N. Prestige Andrew
J.R.F. Prideaux Matthew
J.R.F. Prime James
A.N. Prior Richard
J.R.F. Pryke (his X mark) W.
J.R.F. Pullen W.T.
A.N. Purvis John
J.R.F. Puttrige Joseph
J.R.F. Ralston William
J.R.F. Randall Alfred
J.R.F. Raper Edwd. J.
J.R.F. Rapp John
J.R.F. Rathbun Joseph
A.N. Rawe John
J.R.F. Reed Nicholas
J.R.F. Reed John K.
J.R.F. Reed Francis W.
J.R.F. Reed George
A.N. Rees Thomas
A.N. Rees Albert
A.N. Rentall D.A.
J.R.F. Reynolds Robinson
A.N. Rich Charles
A.N. Richard W.H.
A.N. Richards James
A.N. Richards Thomas
T.G.W Ring William
J.R.F. Rippi F.
T.G.W Ritchie David
J.R.F. Robert Charles
J.R.F. Roberts Thomas
T.G.W Roberts James
T.G.W. Roberts Thomas
A.N. Roberts Richard
J.R.F. Robertson Archibald
J.R.F. Robinson John
J.R.F. Ross Alexander
J.R.F. Ross Alfred
J.R.F. Ross (his X mark) Joseph
J.R.F. Rutland William
J.R.F. Ryan John
J.R.F. Saint Samuel
J.R.F. Sallentire Jacob
A.N Salter R.
A.N. Sawyers William
A.N. Schadel Joseph
J.R.F. Schafer R.A.
J.R.F. Schafer Rt.
J.R.F. Scharer C.
J.R.F. Scott A.
T.G.W Seales Frederick Joseph
A.N. Seammell Alfred
J.R.F. Seifke Meyar
J.R.F. Severin I.s.
A.N. Severin Louis
J.R.F. Shand Joseph
J.R.F Sharp (his X mark) Thos.
J.R.F. Sharpe Alfred
J.R.F. Sheppard Michael A.
A.N. Sheppard M.A.
A.N. Shorten Henry
J.R.F. Simpson John
A.N. Simpson Thomas
J.R.R. Sinclair Daniel
J.R.F. Skinner (his X mark) Henry
T.G.W Slack W.J.
J.R.F. Slade Charles
J.R.F. Smith John
J.R.F. Smith H.
J.R.F. Smith Henry
A.N. Smith John
A.N. Smith James
J.R.F. Smith (his X mark) W.
A.N. Snusby Henry
J.R.F. Speed Bruce
J.R.F. Spence Robert
T.G.W Spohn Peter
A.N. Spohn Peter
J.R.F. Spong Henry N.
T.G.W. Spouncer Charles
J.R.F. Spragg G.H.
T.G.W. Stapleton Thos.
T.G.W Stephens Henry
J.R.F. Stevens Walter
J.R.F. Stewart Isaac
A.N. Stewart William
J.R.F. Stokes Joseph Dan
J.R.F. Stuart Henry
J.R.F. Sutton James
J.R.F. Talbot Henry
T.G.W. Tattersall James
J.R.F Taylor Wm.
J.R.F. Thackeray William
T.G.W. Thomas Joseph
T.G.W Thomas John R.
T.G.W Thompson Walter
A.N. Thompson Samuel
A.N. Thompson William
J.R.F. Thompson (his X mark) Thos.
J.R.F. Thomson A.L.
A.N. Thomson Jas.
A.N. Thomson Robert
J.R.F. Thuyvett H.
T.G.W Tippet David
T.G.W Treebidar Mrs. (Female)
J.R.F. Trewbelle (his X mark) William
A.N. Truscott John
A.N. Turner Abraham
A.N. Tyan John
J.R.F. Unsworth Frederick
T.G.W Varley John
J.R.F. Vernon Samuel H.
J.R.F. Vines Edwd.
J.R.F. Wallace John
J.R.F. Wallis R.N.
A.N. Walsh William
J.R.F. Warren J.L.
T.G.W Watson Bridget (Female)
J.R.F. Watt John
T.G.W Watt Alexander
A.N. Wauling J. Wallis
A.N. Weaving Joseph
J.R.R. Webber George
A.N. Webster James
J.R.F. Weir Thos. G.
J.R.F. Westphal Henry
J.R.F. Wharton John
T.G.W Whitaker Henry
J.R.F. White H.O’S
A.N. Whitebell John
J.R.F. Wiadsor  (Windsor ?) William
T.G.W. Wickard J.
J.R.F. Williams Meshack
A.N. Williams G.R.
J.R.F. Willis John
A.N. Willis John
A.N. Willis Thos.
J.R.F. Willoughby Joseph
A.N. Willoughby Mrs. C.(Female)
J.R.F. Wilson Wm.
J.R.F. Wilton Edwd. G.
J.R.F Windred Henry
T.G.W Windred Chas.
J.R.F. Wood John
J.R.F. Worth Charles
J.R.F. Wythes Joseph
J.R.F. Wythes, Jun. Thos
J.R.F. Yates Edward
J.R.F. Yates Thos.