Guide to Historic Hill End Index

A Guide to Historic Hill End

By Harry Hodge

Fully revised 1986

Indexed prepared by Grahame Thomas 2013


Name Page
Alfred, Prince 31
Anderson 33
Attwood 27
Baker, Doctor 42
Baptiste (caption) 20
Baptiste, Jean 19
Barrie J. (caption) 21
Barrie J. M. 21
Beard 27, 28, 34
Beard, Mrs 46
Beyers and Holtermann 2, 4, 9, 22, 28, 34, 51
Beyers, Louis 3, 11, 13, 39
Bishop’s 25
Bolderwood, Rolf (T. A. Browne) 26
Bragg 30
Bray 19
Bray’s (caption) 19
Brown, Jenny 28
Brownlow’s 6
Carroll and Beard 28
Carroll and Beard 34
Carroll, Beard and Rapp 28
Carroll, Mrs 6, 30
Chappell 31
Chip, New 36
Cobb & Co 46
Cock, Attwood and Dwyer 27
Codrington, Trooper 4
Creighton 27
Curtain, Mr. 18
Curtain, Professor 18
Dalley, W. B. 8
Delatorre 47
Derwent, Kit 31
Doicos 41
Dwyer 27
Emmett and Hughes 24
Fischer and Beard 27
Friend, Donald 10
Gordon 8
Grattan, Billy 39
Halpin, Timothy 5
Harvey, W. Mr (caption) 15
Hewlett, Beverley 1
Hickson, Creighton and Beard 27
Hodge, Errol 1
Hodge, Harry 7, 49
Holtermann 3, 0, 16, 33, 46
Holtermann (caption) 52
Hosie 10
Hughes 24
Hurley and Moore 28
Jenkins (caption) 12
Jipp, Sergeant 6, 37
Jipp, Sergeant (caption) 37
Johnstone 18
Kerr, Doctor 5
Kimm, Ronald 44
Kitchener 8
Krohmann 28, 34
Le Messurier, Alfred 42
Le Messurier, Minnie Miss (caption) 15
Lister and Tom, Brother 26
Macryannis 41
Manolato 41
Marshall family 10, 39
Mashall, James 10
McCourt 28
McCudden, Billy 40
McDowell, Mrs. 18
Merlin 9, 11, 23, 25, 29
Merlin (caption) 12, 16, 17, 32
Merlin, Beaufoy 3, 18, 34
Moore 28
Moore, Sir John 48
Neville, H. Miss (caption) 15
Newcombe 34
Northey’s 10
Oxley, John 46
Parkes, Henry 3
Paxton 27
Pierce, Captain Gus 10
Pierce, Captain Gus (caption) 11
Plummer, William 10
Porter and Rawsthorne 28
Pullen and Rawsthorne 22
Rapp 28
Rawsthorne 22, 28
Renetau 42
Richmond, Gilbert 39
Ritzmoller 19
Robinson, Hercules Sir 23
Rosevear, Solomon 24
Ross, John 21
Rowe, William 5
Rutherford, James 4
Ryan, James 5
Ryan, Tom 5
Statham, Ann 5
Stuart, Henry 13
Tololos 41
Tucker (caption) 13
Willard, Aubrey 40
Willard, James 40
Woods 19
Yong, Di (Chinese) 30
Zouch, Captain 30